The story of one man as he embarks on the suicidal quest of watching a different movie every day for one year. The likely hood of success? Low. But it should be a hell of a ride anyways!

Day 1 - Citizen Kane

BEFORE And what better way for me to start this off with the biggest "movie for movie lovers", Citizen Kane. This is a film that is constantly on the highest (if not the upmost top) of the "Best Movies of all Time" list. Find any list of the best movies, and Citizen Kane is going to be somewhere high.

This is one of those that movies that changed everything. Citizen Kane was the film that pretty much showed the world the advantages film had over anything else at the time. Between it's stellar cinematography, the stellar musical score by Bernard Hermann, and the engrossing acting by Orson Welles... it's not hard to see how Citizen Kane is such a superb film.

The movie is a great examination into the American Dream, and it shows how nightmarish it truly is. Greed, aspirations for power, the great fall, and loneliness, these are all a part of the America that we only pretend wasn't there. It's up to Art to shove the truth in our faces.

AFTER What can I possibly say about this movie that I haven't already said, or have been said with more art than hundreds of others? It is a superb film, a classic, as much of a contender for "best film ever" as a movie can be. It uses flashbacks in a way it is no way confusing, has great cinematography, engrossing pacing and is very well edited.

I mean, what else can I say? Citizen Kane is probably one of the best movies ever conceived. End of story!


Very simply, I will be watching a single movie every day for a whole year. In doing so, I expect myself to go insane. If under any circumstances I should miss a day, I will have to watch two movies the approaching day. The movies will add up until I am caught up.

Popcorn is optional.

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